CA IPC transaction IPCV and Datacom DDOL transaction fail with AEI0 abend in my CICS region. How can I determine the problem?
First, check that the CICS region has been defined with auto install active for programs.
In the CICS region, issue CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM and assure "Progautoinst(Autoactive )".
Then, check for a missing PPT entry.
In the CICS region, issue CEMT INQUIRE PROGRAM for each of the CA IPC modules listed below.
If the "Use" count is zero then do NEWcopy to see if the module can be loaded in CICS successfully.
For CA IPC CICS transaction IPCV, IPCV will load the modules in this order:
Action Module What is the module? ------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------- Invokes SC00INIT SCF component of CA IPC LINKs to VPEHJEnn VPE component of CA IPC (see Note (1))
Links to VPEHJNnn VPE component of CA IPC INQUIREs VPEKTHS VPE component of CA IPC LOADs SC00OPTS SCF CA IPC options (see Note (2)) LOADs VPE9890 VLS component of CA IPC LOADs SC00TRAN SCF CA IPC transaction table (see Note (2)) LOADs SCPSMAIN PSS component of CA IPC LOADs SC00CVTP SCF component of CA IPC LOADs PMSPNS1 PMS component of CA IPC LOADs SC00SECR SCF for external security LOADs PMSPAS1 PMS component of CA IPC LOADs PMSV#R# PMS component of CA IPC LOADs PMSTRUC PMS component of CA IPC LOADs PMSTRND PMS component of CA IPC LOADs PMSTBLS PMS component of CA IPC
Note (1): VPEHJEnn where nn is the CICS release.
Examples: CICS 7.0 (CICS Transaction Server 5.3) requires load modules VPEHJE70 and VPEHJN70.
Note (2): Both SC00OPTS and SC00TRAN are customized, assembled then link edited into the CA IPC custom library (CUSLIB) during the installation process.