CA Message Queue Server Service does not start up
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CA Message Queue Server Service does not start up


Article ID: 44140


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When starting the Windows service "CA Message Queuing Server", the service wouldn't start and an error would appear stating: "Windows could not start the CA Message Queuing Server service on Local Computer. Error 1053. The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion." How am I able to resolve my issue and start the Windows service?


Release: CAIDMB99000-12.6.8-Identity Manager-B to B



CA Message Queuing Server is used by the CAM service from the connector server. A simple check would be to run a camstat in command line to see what comes up.

If this error shows up:

This means that the MSVCR71.dll is missing from either of these folders: C:/windows/system32 or C:/windows/syswow64

Make sure these locations are in your PATH and place the missing file into either of those folders.


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