Not able to connect from IM to Report Server - error java.lang.nullpointerexception.
IM 12.6 sp6 or sp7 on Linux RedHat trying connect to Report Server on Windows Bo 4.1 (distributed with IM 12.6.07. Test connection works fine. However when trying save the connectivity getting one error "Error: java.lang.NullPointerException" and other operations in portal also can't be completed needing stop and restart the Websphere Node to have Portal behaves fine, however trying again save the Report Connection starts the same issue and never can save the Report Connection.
Identity Manager r12.6 sp6 or sp7 on Websphere 8.5.5 - installed WITHOUT fips.
BO 4.1
Observe in websphere Log if you have this message error (See deploy manager log, server log) it's shows this error messages related to libraries crypto and rsacrypto
00000073 LibraryMgrImp W WSVR0212W: Library, crypto, defined in /WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/li1670Cell01/applications/iam_im.ear/deployments/iam_im/deployment.xml does not exist
Also can observe these errors in SystemOut.log from
[M/dd/YY hh:mm:ss:ms BRT] 00000309 SystemOut O hh:mm:ss,ms ERROR [com.netegrity.crypto.RC2128CBCPKCS5PaddingHandler] java.lang.SecurityException: Unsupported algorithm, RC2, selected for FIPS140 mode: FIPS140_SSL
[M/dd/YY hh:mm:ss:ms BRT] 00000309 SystemOut O hh:mm:ss,ms ERROR [ims.tmt.persistence] PersistenceProvider: WebContainer : 1: insertObject: exception inserting objects
1 - Check if definitions of Shared libraries exist in Websphere. The path in Websphere console is Environment / Shared Libraries
2 - Open each of these shared libraries to see if path is valid in their system: (only for crypto and rsacrypto in the case)
3 - If everything is ok here, it’s time to check if im_iam application is fine too in Websphere console. Go to Applications, All applications, click over iam_im application.
When iam_im link opens, this will be in tab “Configuration”, go to session named as “References” and look for the link “Shared library references” and click over it.
4 - Clicking over “Shared library references”, will open this next screen.
Observe that Shared librairies is showing rsacrypto first and crypto as second.
5 - If you select iam_im and click over “Reference shared libraries” this will show also same sequence (rsacrypto and crypto second)
6 - To workaround this behavior, go directly in deployment.xml file in Appsrv01 profile (our test system have Deployment manager profile a cluster with one node with server1 inside of cell of this profile) following next steps:
7 – Stop all servers. This for server1 as example doing this command line:
/opt/IBM/Websphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/bin/ server1
8 – When server1 was down, go to this path and open with vi editor (do a backup of file before do this)
notice in deployment.xml file that crypto lib is first and rsacrypto is second. So if you are having rsacrypto first, change the order, save the file, restart the services
ps: take care here that each line have their own id. So do not edit the line but instead change the position of both lines
9 - If you are in same machine with deployment manager, also check the same file in Dmgr01 profile and make the order. If in wrong order, please do this change only with deployment manager stopped also make sure do a backup of file and also put in this sequence editing also deployment.xml and start deployment manager
10 - After Websphere is up again and IM environment starts "Test Connection" button for reporting connection will return "Confrontation: Connection established successfully" and also click in Save that should not return anymore the "Error: java.lang.NullPointerException" in the user console. The expected result when you submit the task is have the message:
Report Server Connection: BUS_OBJ_RPT_SRV_CONNECTION
Confirmation: Task completed.
1 - Please, see this similar link from related to error message "WSVR0212W"
Library, xxxx, defined in /WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/<yourcelname>/applications/iam_im.ear/deployments/iam_im/deployment.xml does not exist
Link from IBM:
2- Involve the Websphere Administrator from your company or the IBM Support to work since this is related to Application Sever and will need permissions to view and act on app server.