How can I get a list of routers in NFA that do not have any active interfaces in a specific period of time?
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How can I get a list of routers in NFA that do not have any active interfaces in a specific period of time?


Article ID: 44127


Updated On:


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


How can I get a list of routers in NFA that do not have any active interfaces in a specific period of time?




NFA 10.x and up


Below are the steps to generate a list of routers that do not have any interfaces that have any flow data in the last week.  You can change 604800 to any amount of seconds to adjust this to any time frame you are looking for:


  1. Open a command prompt on the NFA Console server.
  2. Run the command below:

mysql -P3308 -D reporter -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "select distinct inet6_ntoa(routerAddress), devicename, id from routers where id not in (select routerid from interfaces where lastflow >= (unix_timestamp() -604800)); " > RoutersWithoutFlow1week.txt

  1.  This will create a text file in the directory where you run the command.