The script completes successfully but the script fails and exists, logging the following:
WARN (S0170):
lvscan (LVM utility) indicates some active volumes
Release: CAPM 3.7
Release: CAPM 20.2
Release: CAPM 21.2
Logical Volumes (LVMs) were detected on the system.
Vertica does not support installing the /data and /catalog directories on Logical Volumes.
Even though /data and /catalog are not on Logical Volumes, because a Logical Volume was detected elsewhere on the system, a WARN was logged.
By default, the Vertica install is configured to fail and exit on a WARN as well as a FAIL condition.
Add the following parameter to the file:
# added to allow install to bypass lvm warnings
This will allow WARN conditions so that the install completes.
The install will only fail and exit if any FAIL conditions are met.
The parameter can be set anywhere in the file.
After setting this parameter, re-run the script
The AllowVerticaInstallWarnings parameter for the CA Performance Management script essentially sets the Vertica failure-threshold to the desired level.