Product enhancement requests for Identity Manager and other CA Security applications
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Product enhancement requests for Identity Manager and other CA Security applications


Article ID: 44090


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


How can you submit a product enhancement request for Identity Manager and related Identity Suite products?


All Identity Suite software products.


Submit an enhancement to the community as an "Idea":

  1. Open the the Broadcom product communities in the Ideation area:
  2. Click the 'Add' button on the right side of the page.
  3. Provide a Title.
    • Enter specific details regarding how you would like the product enhanced, including screenshots (where relevant) and any other specific details to ensure the changes you are requesting are clear.
  4. Include business requirements for the change in functionality.
  5. Select 'Symantec IGA' for the Categories and submit.

Once this is completed, Product Management will review and provide feedback during the next product release planning cycle.

  • If the enhancement IDEA is accepted they should give a general sense of when the change might make it into a new version.
  • If it is not accepted, they may or may not provide reasoning.
    • The same functionality can be achieve elsewhere in the product.
    • The enhancement is out of the general scope of the software.
    • If it is simply not possible within the code.