In the event that the web Admin console is not working, a good first step is to clean out and then reinstall the probes.
CA Unified Infrastructure Manager (UIM) 8.X and Higher
- web Admin console app (adminconsoleapp)
To reinstall the adminconsoleapp for specific versions:
1) Navigate to your Primary hub in the Infrastructure Manager
2) Select the wasp probe - Right-Click on it and delete it.
3) Navigate to your Primary hub's file system in the following location: ...\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\probes\service
4) Delete the wasp directory
5) Then deploy the highest versions available of the following probes from your local archive on the Primary hub in this order:
For UIM 20.x or 23.x:
6) Restart the wasp probe
Hit the web admin console url:
The admin console should now be accessible if you were previously experiencing errors.
Legacy Releases
For UIM 8.51 or earlier:
Note: Do not deploy any 9.x versions of these probes in a UIM 8.51 environment
For UIM 9.0.2:
UIM 9.0.2 only:
There is a known checksum error with the GA version of the 9.02 uimserver package. The recommendation is to install the 9.2.0 UIM/UMP service pack which will upgrade the Admin Console to the 9.20 version on the primary hub as part of the install. If that is not possible, then follow these steps to restore the 9.02 Admin Console:
1. Deploy the following packages to your primary hub (or the robot where you want to install Admin Console from Infrastructure Manager:
wasp: 9.02
adminconsoleapp: 9.02
mps: 8.55
2. Once all 3 packages are deployed, activate the wasp probe on the robot where the packages were deployed.
3. The Admin Console will work at this point, so from the Admin Console, deploy the 9.02 uimhome to the robot where you installed the other Admin Console packages. This will cause the wasp probe to restart and you will be kicked out of the AC. This is expected. Once the AC wasp probe has a value in the PID and port columns, you should then be able to access the AC again as well as the UIM home page (http://<AC robot name or IP address>:<port>/uimhome).