The WCC display doesn't seem to show failed jobs in job run
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The WCC display doesn't seem to show failed jobs in job run


Article ID: 44071


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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


The WCC display doesn't seem to show failed jobs in job run


Release: ATSYHA99000-11.3.6-Workload Automation AE-High Availability Option


The command was specified as c\:\demo\sleep1.exe

The job was failing with the error “CAWA_E_20015 Command/Script not found.Error code: 20007 “

The process was not created since the file was not found. Hence there was no job run for the failed job. 


There is a configuration named “oscomponent.cmdprefix.force” in the agentparm.txt. If the parameter is set to true in windows it indicates that the agent submits the command using cmd.exe. The command is prefixed with "cmd /c" to allow built-in commands such as dir and echo to execute properly. 

This is a default entry in the agentparm.txt when you install the agent in AutoSys compatibility mode. 


Additional Information

CA WA System Agent for UNIX, Linux, Windows, or i5/OS Agent Parameters