Cannot launch SOI Console through proxy server
SOI 4.2
In an environment where end users access SOI Dashboard & Console through a proxy server and the real SOI UI IP & Host Name are disabled.
The SOI Dashboard url is has been changed for external users and they access UI with below url: (it is mapped to http://<SOI UI Host Name>:7070/sam/ui)
The SOI dashboard opens in any browser but the console doesn't open because it is trying access UI with its real IP address and this IP address is disabled.
Workaround: Update SOI UI .jnlp files as mentioned below:
Backup oneclick.jnlp and cryptoj.jnlp files which are located in \CA\SOI\SamUI\webapps\sam\
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="$$codebase" href="$$href">
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="" href="$$href">