After a strategy has been created for migration, alteration, or comparison, the next phase is strategy analysis. The field UPDATE Options in the RC/Migrator for Db2 for z/OS (RCM)
Strategy Analysis panel offers about 35 different options and +50 options when counting the sub options. The main issue is, the options selected (if SAVEd) are stored in your ISPF
profile so often it is necessary to change the options between tasks since one RCM strategy analyzed could be for DDL only while the next one analyzed could be with DATA and some utilities.
How to setup an Analyze Profile using RC/Migrator for a Compare, Alter, Merge or Migration analysis.
RC/Migrator offers the possibility to create an Analysis Profile. You can create the number of profiles matching the tasks needed like DDL-ONLY, RI-ONLY, STATS-ONLY or everything.
Maintaining the Analysis profiles is handled from RC/Migrator option “0 - Profile” à “P - Analysis Profile Management” When analyzing the strategy, simply put a Y
in the ANALYSIS OPTIONS and a non-blank in field Profile Name.