The Spectrum database backups fail to complete and the SSdbsave utility crashes when the ssmodelattrs.db file is over 2GB
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The Spectrum database backups fail to complete and the SSdbsave utility crashes when the ssmodelattrs.db file is over 2GB


Article ID: 43994


Updated On: 10-17-2023


CA Spectrum


The Spectrum database backups fail to complete and the SSdbsave utility crashes when the ssmodelattrs.db file is over 2GB


Release: Any version of Spectrum


The backups fail when any Spectrum database file is over 2GB in size.  In most cases, the <SPECROOT>/SS/ssModelAttrs.db file is at fault.


The ssModelAttrs.db file stores model attribute data.  When the ssModelAttrs.db file is over 2GB, the SSdbsave utility crashes.  To resolve the issue, you need to reduce the size of the ssModelAttrs.db file.  The most common cause of this file being so large is due to either:

1.  NCM captures.

 By default CA Spectrum is configured to save the latest 25 NCM configuration captures.  If you increase this value, it will cause the ssModelAttrs.db file to grow, since more configurations are being stored.  You may need to decrease this back down to 25 (or less).  This can be done by navigating to the Configuration Manager model->Information->Configuration History->"Specify maximum number of configurations to be stored per device".  By lowering the value, this will cause CA Spectrum to automatically destroy the stored configuration captures.


2.  AdiscResultSet models (Discovery history).   When discoveries run, the history of the results is stored in the AdiscResultSet model.  When scheduled discoveries run for a long time (for example, many years) there are hundreds/thousands of AdiscResultSet models which increase the ssModelAttrs.db file.  To remove these, you need to use the Locater to create a search for "Model Type Name (0x10000)" "Equal to" "AdiscResultSet".  Once you have the list, add the "Creation Time" column.  Order the results by the Creation Time column, and destroy the oldest models.


After destroying the models, you will need to save and reload your SSdb as the ssModelAttrs.db file will not release the space until this is done.  This can be done from the command line or the Spectrum Control Panel.