Instructions for what to do if the jobcard is incorrect, or if the jobcard changes are needed in all existing monitor definitions.
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Instructions for what to do if the jobcard is incorrect, or if the jobcard changes are needed in all existing monitor definitions.


Article ID: 43973


Updated On:


Mainframe Application Tuner


Company policies or other changes sometimes require that the Jobcard in existing monitor definitions need to be changed.
When changing it in the parameter options (ISPF Option 0), only the new monitor definitions will get the changed Jobcard.

The old monitor definitions, stored in the Global, still contain the old (unchanged) Jobcard.

How do we solve this?


Component: MATUNE


To change the Jobcards in all of the Global monitor definitions, stored in the Global, you can use the "JOBcard" command at the Profile Parameter screen (ISPF option 0, Parameters).  This command will change all the Jobcards of your monitor definitions.  When entering the "JOBcard" command, you are asked if you are sure to update all JOBcards (Y/N) as a confirmation.

The following primary commands are entered on the command line:

Command   Function                                                                        
JOBcard       Enter the JOBcard command to
                   update the batch report Jobcard
                   (for all monitor definitions).