What are the DEFAULT Job Names that CA 7 use for Mainframe and Agent Jobs?
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What are the DEFAULT Job Names that CA 7 use for Mainframe and Agent Jobs?


Article ID: 43744


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CA 7 Workload Automation


What are the DEFAULT Job Names that CA 7 use for Mainframe and Agent Jobs?


CA 7 provides information about database processing options using special keywords in the CA 7 INIT File to minimize subsequent adding and updating of jobs definitions.

The keywords are configured on the DBAS statement in the CA 7 INIT File to control default settings for each job type.  The corresponding name can then be added to each type of CA 7 job definition. The keywords are DEFAUTAG, DEFAULTJOB, DEFAULTXPJ and DEFAULTPS.

Descriptions for each keyword are as follows:


Default job name for all Subsequent added AGJOB jobs using the DB.11 panel. If a job is defined to the database with this name, the values for fields of this job, except MEMBER and UID, are the default values for the new job. The default job name on this panel is DEFAULTA.


Default job name for all subsequent added CA 7 jobs using the DB.1 panel.  If a job is defined to the database with this name, the values for fields of this job, except MEMBER and UID are the default values for the new job. The default job name on this panel is DEFAULTS.


Default job name for all XPJOB jobs added using the DB.10 panel. If a job is defined to the database with this name, the values for fields of this job, except MEMBER and UID , are the default values for the new job. The default job name is DEFAULTX.


Default job name for all PS jobs added using the PS panel.   If not specified, Personal Scheduling jobs obtain defaults from the regular default job. The default job name on this panel is DEFAULTJOB.