Cannot open more than 10 sessions for a Linux XCOM port. How can the number of sessions for a port be increased?
XCOM™ Data Transport® for Linux PC
In the $XCOM_HOME/txpi directory review the 4 txpi* files.
NOTE: At install time XCOM also creates symbolic links to those 4 files in the /etc/xinetd.d directory because xinetd is used to run the XCOM for Linux listener (XCOM Data Transport for UNIX/Linux 11.6.1 > Reference > Operating Environment > Remote Session Control Parameters)
Each of the 4 txpi* files refers to a protocol/port used:
txpi file corresponds to XCOM IPv4
txpis file corresponds to XCOM IPv4 SSL
txpi6 file corresponds to XCOM IPv6
txpi6s file corresponds to XCOM IPv6 SSL
In all files there are 2 lines for parameters per_source and instances that are commented as shown below:
# per_source = 10
# instances = 50
As the parameters are commented, their default values, stored in the file /etc/xinetd.conf, would be currently used. If the defaults in /etc/xinetd.conf are 10 & 50 respectively then uncommenting the 2 parameters alone won't change anything and the values also need to be increased to meet throughput requirements.
The instances parameter "Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous requests that xinetd can process" and should also to be increased at the same time to ensure its value is large enough to handle the total simultaneous connection requirements from all remote partners.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux > 6 > Security Guide > 2.6.4. xinetd Configuration Files
Red Hat Enterprise Linux > 6 > Security Guide> Resource Management Options
XCOMM0780E Txpi 227: Socket received 0 bytes: partner closed socket. Last error: 167
NOTE: For UNIX platforms that use inetd rather than xinetd e.g. AIX and Solaris, there are no equivalent parameters for per_source and instances because inetd works differently from xinetd.
IMPORTANT NOTE: XCOM Data Transport for Linux r12.0 has been certified to run on RHEL 9 or SLES 15 SP03.
In order to run XCOM on these levels of the Operating System you need to install the latest XCOM solution LU11905 NEW TXPI SERVICES TO SUPPORT SYSTEMD ON RED HAT 9 AND SUSE 15 SP3 that installs XCOM listener services in SYSTEMD format since the XINETD system service has been deprecated on these latest Operating Systems. Also, solutions are cumulative and include all published fixes for XCOM Linux r12.0.