When running the CAIRIM/CAS9 process to load the DBPCCPR Datacom initialization module, why is the load failing in this LPAR with a LOADLIB value that works in other LPARs?
Here are the messages:
DB90150I - DATACOM DBCR5PR 2015/12/31-1146 15.1
CAS9102E - LPA "ADD" for DBPCCPR failed. RC(12) reason(X'0C050000').
There are two different error messages here that are important - the main one from CAIRIM is:
CAS9102E - LPA "ADD" for DBPCSPR failed. RC(12) reason(X'0C050000').
And the one from the Datacom initialization is:
The easiest one is to check is the DB90152E message, which identifies a problem with the syntax or execution of the command. Here is what the Error (G) means:
G - The module named after PCC= or PCS= could not be loaded from the load library pointed to by the CAIRIM input option: LOADLIB(dsn). You must copy the current member into the named library or point to the library containing the version of the program you are intending to install.
To resolve this, identify the file used in the LOADLIB parameter of the CAIRIM/CAS9 control statements for Datacom Version 15.x to be sure that it is for the correct version, and that this file contains the DBPCCPR module.
If everything is correct here, look at the CAS9102E message about the failure of the LPA Add for the DBPCCPR module. Here is the meaning of the RC(12) and Reason Code(x'0C05'):
Meaning: For ADD request, the amount of module storage needed for the request would have caused the amount of CSA or ECSA remaining to fall below the threshold specified by the system programmer using the LPA CSAMIN statement of PROGxx, the SETPROG LPA,CSAMIN system command, or CSA/ECSA specified in IEASYSxx.
Action: Specify that fewer modules be added, or have the system programmer reduce the CSAMIN amounts.
From these messages, it would seem that if the specified loadlib works on other systems but not here, the problem could be with the amount of CSA/ECSA available to this system.
Our recommendation is to consult with the Systems Programming team about this further to see if they can increase the amount of CSA/ECSA available to the system, or if they can change the CSAMIN setting to allow these modules to be added to LPA.
For more information about the Return and Reason Codes resulting from the LPA Add function, please refer to the documentation for MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Reference Vol 1 (ALE-DYN) for V3R1, V2R5, V2R4, or your current version. Then scroll down to the chapter titled “CSVDYLPA — Provide dynamic LPA services” for further details.
As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.