How can I change the password of EAdmin user ?
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How can I change the password of EAdmin user ?


Article ID: 43677


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


In production environments, it is general best practice to change the password of the administrative user. In Identity Governance this user is AD1\EAdmin.

By default after installation of IG you can login with any password on this user. It is highly recommended to enable IG security (parameter comes as by default) and with a default password as eurekify.

This article deals with the procedure to perform this action



Identity Governance 14.x

Identity Suite Vaap (with Identity Governance installation)  14.x


By default after installation of IG you can login with any password on this user. It is highly recommended to enable IG security (parameter comes as by default) and with a default password as eurekify.


Select Administration => Settings =>  Property Settings and filter by sage.admin.password

Click on the edit pencil icon and change the password. Make sure the type is set to database property.

Click save.

Select Administration => Settings => Common Property Settings and filter by buildingBlockService.password.

Click on the edit pencil icon and change the password to the same password you entered in the sage.admin.password property.

Make sure the type is set to database property.


Log into the IG portal

1. To change the default password from eurekify to one secure password: 

Select Administration => Settings =>  Property Settings and filter by 

Click on the edit pencil icon and change the password. Make sure the type is set to database property.

Click save.

Select Administration => Settings => Common Property Settings and filter by buildingBlockService.password.

Click on the edit pencil icon and change the password to the same password you entered in the sage.admin.password property.

Make sure the type is set to database property.

2. After installation of IG even changing password AD1/Eadmin can login with any password. So if want disable this behavior you need enable security and

3. stop IG and start IG again

4. Test with a wrong password should receive error "GENPRT006" because the password is entered wrong as expected

5. Test again with correct password and should login successfully.

Additional Information

If you have imported the workflow processes before changing the password you would need to import it again, as it uses the EAdmin user password.