Attempting to connect to a PostgresSQL DB and getting "could not load database driver". How to connect to a postgres database?
ITPAM 4.3 and 4.4
The Postgres JDBC driver was not deployed correctly to the orchestrator resources
First deploy the postgres JDBC Driver into the Orchestrator Resources on the Configuration Tab:
Which will place the file in the \CA\PAM\server\c2o\.c2orepository\.c2oserverresources\lib\ directory:
Specific directions on adding Orchestrator Resources can be found in the Process Automation Orchestrator Resources documentation.
Then within your Process Definition:
1.- Select Postgres in Connection Wizard.
2.- Fill up the variables for Driver with the following:
Process.driver = “org.postgresql.Driver”
3.- Modified the connection string generated by the wizard with this:
“jdbc:postgresql://”+ + “:” + Process.port+ “/” + Process.db”
NOTE: When ‘Postgres’ is selected in the Connection Wizard, by default the URL is generated with the following: “jdbc:”+ null+”://” . This needs to be changed to “jdbc:postgresql://”.