Where can I find IBM z13 hardware compatibility information for my Solve and NetMaster products?
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Where can I find IBM z13 hardware compatibility information for my Solve and NetMaster products?


Article ID: 43591


Updated On:


CMDB for z/OS NetSpy Network Performance NetMaster Network Automation SOLVE NetMaster Network Management for SNA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster File Transfer Management


Where can I find IBM z13 hardware compatibility information for my Solve and NetMaster products?


IBM z13 hardware compatibility information for your Broadcom products can be found by logging into Support Online and

accessing the IBM zEnterprise Compatibility Matrix located here.
There you will find a list of Broadcom products and information regarding whether each is compatible with the various
zEnterprise hardware releases (including the z13) and if PTFs are required for compatibility. 
Alternatively, you can navigate to the IBM zEnterprise Compatibility Matrix from the Broadcom Support Portal
by accessing the Mainframe Compatibilities page.