Is there a way to disable the creation of Rpt_Segments in Spectrum
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Is there a way to disable the creation of Rpt_Segments in Spectrum


Article ID: 43584


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Is there a way to disable the creation of Rpt_Segments in Spectrum


Release: Any version of Spectrum


The creation of 802.3 Fanout models can be disabled,and are disabled by default. If you find you have unwanted Fanout models named "802.3_Segment", locate the VNM model in OneClick. In the "Component Detail" Panel - "Information" Tab, scroll down and expand the "Autodiscovery Control" - "Modeling and Protocol Options" subview. On the left-hand side there is an option to "Create 802.3 Fanout" and ensure this is set to No. 

If this parameter is set to Yes and Spectrum cannot make an accurate connection among three or more interfaces, a Fanout model named "802.3_Segment" is created and these interfaces will be connected to the Fanout model. If this parameter is set to "No", a Fanout model will not be created for the interfaces that have unclear connection information and therefore these interfaces will not be mapped.


Additional Information

For more information see the "How to Discover and Model the Network" Section of the documentation.