What is the purpose of two SMF exits (152 and 153), 3 parmlib (211, 212, 213) and can you provide examples?
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What is the purpose of two SMF exits (152 and 153), 3 parmlib (211, 212, 213) and can you provide examples?


Article ID: 43583


Updated On:


Auditor for z/OS


What is the purpose of two SMF exits (152 and 153), 3 parmlib (211, 212, 213) and can you provide examples?



Component: EXAMIN


The CA Auditor online Help files provide detailed information on the each function including 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 including 'What', 'Why', 'How', 'CHECKLIST' and 'Commands' for each function by just hitting F1 from each function panel, for example:


----------------  CA Auditor - HELP SELECTION  ----------------------------

   Enter the number of the HELP you want ===>                             

      1   WHAT          - The general purpose and function of the       
                          current display.                                

      2   WHY           - The audit, security, and control significance
                          the information displayed.                   

      3   HOW           - An explanation of the various fields on
                          the screen and how to use them.                 

      4   CHECKLIST     - Specific tests that you can perform using this
                          display to check system controls.               

      5   COMMANDS      - CA Auditor commands that you can
                          enter on this display.                          


The following are Sample Display output of the 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 functions.


1.5.2 BASEJCL SMF FILES sample:

--------------  CA Auditor - SMF FILES  ---------------------- Row 1 to 3 of 3

   Enter B next to FILE NAME to Browse, F to Freeze, A for Security Access.   

   FILE NAME    VOLSER   BLOCKS    %FULL    STATUS      DUMP REQ              

 - ---------    ------  --------   ------   ---------   --------              

   SYS1.MAN1    MVSDDD    18,000    51.12   ACTIVE         NO                 

   SYS1.MAN2    MVSDDD     9,000     0.00   ALTERNATE      NO                 

   SYS1.MAN3    MVSDDD     9,000     0.00   ALTERNATE      NO                  

******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************                              


1.5.3 BASEJCL SMF EXITS sample:


---------------  CA Auditor - SMF EXITS  ------------------- Row 1 to 13 of 13

COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE

Enter S beside a line for a library Search for that module.                 


    - ---------------   --------   ------   -------------------   --------   

      SYS.IEFACTRT      IEFACTRT     YES                                     

      SYS.IEFUJI        IEFUJI       YES                                     

      SYS.IEFUJV        IEFUJV       YES                                     

      SYS.IEFUSI        IEFUSI       YES                                     

      SYS.IEFUTL        IEFUTL       YES                                     

      SYS.IEFU29        IEFU29       YES                                     

      SYS.IEFU83        IEFU83       YES                                     

      SYS.IEFU85        IEFU85       YES                                     

      SYSSTC.IEFACTRT   IEFACTRT     YES                                     

      SYSSTC.IEFUJI     IEFUJI       YES                                      

      SYSSTC.IEFUTL     IEFUTL       YES                                     

      SYSSTC.IEFU29     IEFU29       YES                                     

      SYSSTC.IEFU83     IEFU83       YES                                      

******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************



-----------  CA Auditor - PARMLIB DATASET CONCATENATION  ----- Row 1 to 1 of 1

 Press F3 to continue.                                                        

When you IPL with :                                                         

SYSRES volume MVSXXX   30CC       IODF volume MVSXXX   4000                  

 Load Member AB                                                               

 Master JCL Member 00                                                          

 Master Catalog ICF.VMVSNNN                                                    

 Master Catalog volume MVSNNN                                                  

              PARMLIB DATASET                    VOLUME   FOUND              

 ---------------------------------------------   ------   -----              

  SYS1.PARMLIB                                   MVSNNN   YES                

******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

-----------------  CA Auditor - PARMLIB IPL MAP  ---------- Row 1 to 30 of 471

COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE

During an IPL, z/OS will automatically include any members marked "*".        

To Browse, enter S or B next to MEMBER name.  To Freeze, enter F.             
For Security Access, enter A.                                                 

  DIRECTOR      MEMBER  PARM                                                   

      MEMBER    FOUND   STATUS                   DESCRIPTION                  

- ------------  ------  ------     --------------------------------------------

  IEASYSAB       REFERENCES THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS                             

      BPXPRM00   YES               z/OS UNIX System Services parms            

      CLOCK00    YES               TOD operator prompting and GMT offset      

      COMMNDAA   YES               Commands to be issued at system startup    

      COMMNDBB   YES               Commands to be issued at system startup    

      CONSOL00   YES               MCS console configuration                  

      COUPLE00   YES               Cross-system Coupling Facility (XCF)       

      GRSCNF00   YES               Global Resource Serialization parameters   

      GRSRNL00   NO                GRS Resource Name List parameters          

      IEAFIX00   YES               Fixed Link Pack Area list                  

      IEAICS00   NO                Installation Control Specification         

      IEAIPS00   NO                Installation Performance Specification     

      IEALPA0O   NO                Modified Link Pack Area list               

      IEALPAAB   YES               Modified Link Pack Area list               

      IEASVC00   YES               Installation defined Supervisor Calls      

      IECIOS00   YES               Missing Interrupt Handler parameters       

      IEFSSN00   YES               Secondary subsystem specification          

      IFAPRD00   YES               z/OS Product Enablement Policy             

      IGDSMS00   YES               Storage Management Subsystem parameters    

      LNKLSTAB   YES               Link library list                          

      LPALSTAB   YES               Link Pack Area library list                

      MSTJCL00   YES               Master Scheduler JCL                       

      PROGX0     YES               Dynamic APF library list                   

      SCHED00    YES               EDT, PPT, Trace Table, and Restart opts    

      SMFPRM00   YES               System Management Facility options         

      VATLST00   YES               Volume attribute list                       




---------------------- CA Auditor - PARMLIB INFORMATION -----------------------


   1  MAP         -  Display IPL tree structure                               

   2  STATUS      -  Identify library contents and detect changes             

   3  DATASETS    -  Display Current IPL Logical PARMLIB dataset information  


  To use only an alternative single Parmlib dataset, enter:                   

     Dataset name ===>                                                        

     Volume       ===>                                                         

  To use a LOADxx member, enter:                                              

     IPL unit ===> 23FF   IODF unit ===> 3000    LOADxx suffix ===> AB         

  LOADxx selection criteria:                                                  

     HWNAME ===> AB01     LPARNAME ===>          VMUSERID ===> MVS1234        

  Active MSTJCLxx member:                                                     

     MSTJCLxx suffix ===> 00       VOLUME ===> MVS123                         

     LIBRARY ===> 'SYS1.PARMLIB'                                              

  Active SYSCATxx member (If Master Catalog not specified in LOAD member):    

     SYSCATxx suffix ===>                                                      


--------------- CA Auditor - PARMLIB MEMBER STATUS -------- Row 1 to 29 of 241

COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE

There are 241     members in the logical Parmlib concatenation.               

To Browse, enter S or B next to MEMBER name.  To Freeze, enter F.             
For Security Access, enter A.                                                 


   PARMLIB   CURRENT   CHANGE                     MEMBER

   MEMBER    STATUS    DETECTED                   DESCRIPTION                 

- --------  ---------  ---------  ---------------------------------------------

  #CHANGES  Unchanged  06/01/16   UNRECOGNIZED MEMBER                         

  #INSTALL  Unchanged  06/01/16   UNRECOGNIZED MEMBER                         

  ADYSET00  Unchanged  07/07/11   Dump suppression criteria                   

  ADYSET01  Unchanged  07/07/11   Dump suppression criteria                   

  ADYSET02  Unchanged  07/07/11   Dump suppression criteria                   

  ANTMIN00  Unchanged  07/07/11   Virtual-concurrent-copy FlashCopy Function  

  APPCPMA0  Unchanged  07/07/11   APPC customization parameters               

  APPCPMB0  Unchanged  07/07/11   APPC customization parameters               

  APPCPMC0  Unchanged  07/07/11   APPC customization parameters               

  APPCPMX0  Unchanged  07/07/11   APPC customization parameters               

  ASAIPCSP  Unchanged  07/07/11   IPCS reuse exit data                        

  ASBIPCSP  Unchanged  07/07/11   IPCS - define subcommand to IPCS dialog     

  ASCHPMA0  Unchanged  07/07/11   APPC transaction scheduler parameters       

  ASCHPMB0  Unchanged  07/07/11   APPC transaction scheduler parameters       

  ASCHPMC0  Unchanged  07/07/11   APPC transaction scheduler parameters       

  ASCHPMD0  Unchanged  07/07/11   APPC transaction scheduler parameters       

  ATBIPCSP  Unchanged  07/07/11   IPCS - define subcommand to IPCS dialog     

  AXR00     Unchanged  07/07/11   Default System REXX data set concatenation  

  BLSCECT   Unchanged  07/07/11   IPCS dump formatting exits                   

  BLSCECTX  Unchanged  07/07/11   IPCS exits for other IBM products           

  BPXPRMA0  Unchanged  06/06/13   z/OS UNIX System Services parms             

  BPXPRMB0  Unchanged  06/06/13   z/OS UNIX System Services parms             

  BPXPRMC0  Unchanged  06/01/16   z/OS UNIX System Services parms             

  BPXPRMD0  Unchanged  06/01/16   z/OS UNIX System Services parms             

  BPXPRME0  Unchanged  07/07/11   z/OS UNIX System Services parms             

  BPXPRMF0  Unchanged  07/07/11   z/OS UNIX System Services parms             

  CAIACF00  Unchanged  06/01/16   CA-ACF2 Parameters                          

  CAIACF01  Unchanged  06/01/16   CA-ACF2 Parameters                          

  CAISECXX  Unchanged  02/27/13   Probable unused CA-SECURITY trace options  




---------  CA Auditor - PARMLIB DATASET INFORMATION  ------- Row 1 to 34 of 43

COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE

                    SYSTEM AND PARMLIB DATASET INFORMATION                   


STATIC SYSTEM INFORMATION                                                    


 SYSRES Volume = MVZZZZ    Address = 30FF                                    

 IODF Volume   = MVSZZZ   Address = 3000                                    

HWNAME = MFAB      LPARNAME =           VMUSERID = MVS1111                   

IPL loadparm = 30001231                                                      

Master Catalog = ICF.VMVS123                                                

        Volume  = MVSZZZ  Address = 3000                                      

Master JCL source is SYS1.PARMLIB'                               (MSTJCL00) 

        Volume  = MVSZZZ                                                     

Logical Parmlib datasets defaulted at IPL include:                          

  1. SYS1.PARMLIB                                  on Volume MVSZZZ         

SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS AT IPL                                                 


 LOADxx member suffix   = AB                                                  

 LOAD parameter dataset = SYS1.PARMLIB                                       

 LOAD parameter dataset Volume = MVSZZZ  Address = 3000                      

PARMLIB source is from IEFPARM DD statements from SYS1.PARMLIB'         .   

 If no IEFPARM DD statements are specified, the default parmlib, SYS1.PARMLIB

 on Volume = MVSZZZ is used.   

