Not enough temp space - Installing Siteminder Administrative UI
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Not enough temp space - Installing Siteminder Administrative UI


Article ID: 4353


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CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign-On


When installing CA Single Sign-On Administrative UI we got the message below :

Not enough temp space.

CA Siteminder Administrative UI Installer needs 31457228KB on the TEMP disk. There is only 1889272 KB on the TEMP disk.

Cleanup the TEMP disk or move the files to any other location and relaunch the installer.


Environment: 12.8.xx (Redhat) (Applicable to all the supported releases)
Component: SMAUI (Siteminder AdminUI)


IATEMPDIR environment variable not set or current path of the IATEMPDIR has not enough disk space.


1. Before to run the installer again you must to create an environment variable named IATEMPDIR and set the value :


2. Ensure to point a folder/directory that has plenty of space into which the installer can extract the files.

3. if problem continues, please check into the path where IATEMDIR is pointing (i.e.. /var )

   you need to erase the following files  : 



4. Run the Administrator Ui installer to confirm if problem was resolved.




Additional Information

- If problem continues try mounting the TEMP directory into another storage/directory area