IdentityMinder Password Error Code in TEWS description field.
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IdentityMinder Password Error Code in TEWS description field.


Article ID: 4344


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


In an Existing IM environment, web services requests to change passwords return the following in the TEWS Description Field: 

<tews:description>[ERROR 3030] Password is too short. Minimum length is 8. ProcessStep::BLTHValidate TabName: ERRORLEVEL::Error</tews:description>

However, after building an identical Parallel environment with the same software versions, the TEWS response is missing the ERROR 3030 code. Instead this is returned:

<tews:description>Password is too short. Minimum length is 8. ProcessStep::BLTHValidate TabName: ERRORLEVEL::Error</tews:description>


Identity Manager 12.6.xAny Platform


The reason for the differences between the descriptions is the customization of the error messages. 

The ims exceptions can all be customized in the file: 






If you customize the file or any other resource file contained within IM's resource bundles, these customizations should also be copied over to the new environments.