AlarmNotifier is not starting after Spectrum install.
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AlarmNotifier is not starting after Spectrum install.


Article ID: 4337


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CA Spectrum


AlarmNotifier is not starting after Spectrum install.


When trying to start the Alarm Notifier application, customer is getting the following error message:

*** glibc detected *** /opt/Spectrum/Notifier/GANM_AlarmNotifier/AlarmNotifier: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer


Customer was using the lh_set command from KB TEC1408368 (How to change the landscape handle of an unpopulated database in Spectrum?) to change the landscape handle before, after finding out that it was wrong after the fresh install.


The lh_set command is only for changing the landscape handle on the SpectroServer DB (SSDB).

When changing the landscape handle it is also necessary to change the landscape handle from within the alarm notifier config $SPECROOT/Notifier/.alarmrc file, which still had the old landscape handle present.

After changing the Landscape setting in the .alarmrc file to the new landscape handle, the problem was resolved.