When I start CA LDAP server I am getting "BPXM047I BPXBATCH FAILED BECAUSE SPAWN (BPX1SPN) OF slapd FAILED WITH RETURN CODE 00000086 REASON CODE 052C04DC", what causes this?
Article ID: 43362
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When I start CA LDAP server I am getting "BPXM047I BPXBATCH FAILED BECAUSE SPAWN (BPX1SPN) OF slapd FAILED WITH RETURN CODE 00000086 REASON CODE 052C04DC", what causes this?
Release: Component: ACFLDP
The most common cause of the BPXM047I error is the CA LDAP logonid OMVS Profile record's HOME directory not pointing to the CA LDAP Server's installation directory.
To verify the proper HOME directory do the following.
Check the CA LDAP Server joblog and look for the ACF9CCCD message: ACF9CCCD USERID xxxxxxxx IS ASSIGNED TO THIS JOB - xxxxxxxx
From TSO, ACF LIST the logonid and the OMVS User Profile of the logonid xxxxxxxx from 1) above: ACF LIST xxxxxxxx PROFILE(OMVS)
Insure that the HOME value from 2) above points the CA LDAP Server's installation directory