Why does IBM Debug tool address space EQAYSESM starts and ends immediately with no messages?
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Why does IBM Debug tool address space EQAYSESM starts and ends immediately with no messages?


Article ID: 43321


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC PanApt PanAudit


IBM Debug tool address space EQAYSESM starts and ends immediately with no messages.
The ACFRPTOM report show the following error when starting the IBM Debug tool address space EQAYSESM.

R_admin                          EQAYSESM    OMVS###     0 1 8 8 0
05/18/16 16.139 9.58.56  EQAYSESM     TEST           TEST
Failed - Incorrect function code




Release: ACF2..001AO-16-ACF2


The ACFRPTOM report may show numerous USS callable services with non-zero return codes however the failed calls may not always indicate a problem.

In this case with the EQAYSESM started task stopping and ending without any diagnostic messages, the R_admin call is not the cause of the EQAYSESM started task failing.

IBM suggests the OMVS segment was only involved in the process because it was a started task. When EQAYSESM is started as  batch job messages are issued related to VTAM setup for the IBM Debug Toolkit.

The problem is addressed by insuring that the IBM Debug Tool required configuration of 2 VTAM  APPLIDs has been completed