Inventory scan do not collect Computer environment variable - install level value correctly.
If the value get change from 6 to 8 , computer should move the group from 6 to 8 .
This is happening to few computers. Inventory is working and it shows install level value 6, but local machine's env variable it shows 8.
WBEM.INV file has the correct value added.
CA Client Automation - All Versions
Delete Program Files\CA\DSM\Agent\units\00000001\uam on Target agent machine
Run the command on agent machine
From DSM Explorer run Inventory for Computer/Computer Group by running ' Asset job check' for all option.
If WBEM inv was not configured and values are not there then create one first before running asset inventory.
To create follow these steps.
(You must un-check the modules you do not wish to scan . If you leave the default it may take long time to scan and that can cause performance issue significantly slower than expected)
The results will be under ' All computer > Inventory >Additional Inventory > WBEM Inventory