ERROR: "XCOMS0004E JOB nnnnnn/QSPLJOB/QERRORJOB not scheduled. Error in BCHJOB command"
Article ID: 43303
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XCOM Data Transport
Performing a SEND JOB transfer from one iSeries system to another iSeries system and the transfer fails with message "XCOMS0004E JOB nnnnnn/QSPLJOB/QERRORJOB not scheduled. Error in BCHJOB command". Why and how can this be corrected?
XCOM™ Data Transport® for AS/400 i5/OS
The message happens because the file being transferred most likely does not have a //BCHJOB statement.
When you perform a SEND JOB you are sending batch statements to be executed on the remote/partner system. You need to make sure that the batch statements in this case comply to the iSeries. So, you would need to do the following:
Create a source file member on your iSeries system and it needs to contain batch statements. Here is a simple sample of what you need: //BCHJOB JOB(XCOMJOB) JOBD(XCOM2/XCOM) LOG(4 00 *SECLVL) + LOGCLPGM(*YES) MSGQ(QSYSOPR)
Add commands that will be executed on the remote iSeries partner
You will need the //BCHJOB and //ENDBCHJOB in order for the iSeries to identify it as a batch job.
Make sure to have the correct JOB and JOBD
Once you have the source file ready you can then issue your XCOM Send Job transfer.