What does Use System Assigned UID mean into the UNIX Attributes ADS account template tab?
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What does Use System Assigned UID mean into the UNIX Attributes ADS account template tab?


Article ID: 43269


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From the Unix attributes tab of an Active Directory account or account template property sheet;

What does Use System Assigned UID mean?



Component: IDMGR


It means that when adding the user to a NIS domain and there is no value for "uidNumber" provided, and so requesting to use the next available "uidNumber" 

then the next available "uidNumber" is found as the attribute value "msSFU30MaxUidNumber" 

under the "CN=<YOUR_DOMAIN>,CN=<server>,CN=<CNserver>,CN=<Services>,CN=System" DN branch from your ADS. 


ADS CCS plug-in agent gets the ADS msSFU30MaxUidNumber attribute value to set the uid number of the new account in this case.