What is the new name for CA Insight Database Performance Monitor for DB2 for z/OS?
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What is the new name for CA Insight Database Performance Monitor for DB2 for z/OS?


Article ID: 43227


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


Installing version r18 of the CA Database Management Solutions for DB2 for z/OS, I can no longer find the product previously known as CA Insight Database Performance Monitor for DB2 for z/OS?. 

Has this product been discontinued or is it under a new name?



Component: IDB2


The last version to reference the product by the name CA Insight Database Performance Monitor for DB2 for z/OS is r17.  

As of version r18, CA Insight Database Performance Monitor for DB2 for z/OS IDB2 is now called CA SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2.