In STEP9E of upgrade job BDUPG07, when upgrading Datacom/DB from 12.0 to 14.0 is getting RC8. The Datacom error is DDPST10001, which indicates SQL requires LOGGING and RECOVERY attributes be defined. Because two databases are defined with SQL-INTENT attributes YES, these two attributes are also required to be defined as YES.
When tries to change the LOGGING and RECOVERY attribute with DDUPDATE, are getting DDPDE10001 and DDPSV10001 errors. The DDPDE10001 indicates that the Table length is invalid for ENCRYPTION. The action required is to change the ENCRYPTION attribute to blank, which is what the transactions in STEP9E is trying to do.
Question is can this job be skipped during the upgrade process, and deal with the LOGGING and RECOVERY attributes later?
The reason this occurred, is when SQL-INTENT attribute is defined as Y, LOGGING and RECOVERY needs to be Y. This problem can occur because an SQL-INTENT flag can be set without LOGGING and RECOVERY being defined, and because they were in the middle of the upgrade, this could not get accomplished until after the upgrade was complete.
Compete the upgrade, and then go back and run the DDUPDATE job to change the LOGGING and RECOVERY attributes as well as rerunning the AD14TRN transactions to fix the ENCRYPTION attributes and delete two obsolete Datadictionary transactions.
Additional Information:
TEC601752 - This TEC doc describes the steps to take to correct this problem either before or after the upgrade. Read more at: