Newly created devices are in maintenance mode even though the device icon is green. If you look at the Component Detail area, there is a brown box around the view, and the "In Maintenance" setting shows Yes. If the device is a Host_SystemEdge and has AIMs installed, the AIM components will not model correctly and an alarm may show in regards to the AIM components.
Release: Any version of Spectrum
The cause of the problem is that the modeltype default value for the IsManaged (also known as Maintenance Mode) attribute is set to No/False. Setting the modeltype default to No for the IsManaged (maintenance mode) attribute causes conflicts with the internal code.
You need to change the modeltype default for the IsManaged (Maintenance Mode) attribute back to Yes/True.
The easiest and best way to resolve this is to do the following:
1. Select a model that this problem is happening on.
2. Right click and select -> Utilities -> Attribute Editor
3. Open the Maintenance Mode folder and select the "In Maintenance" option.
4. Click the arrow to move "In Maintenance" to the right hand side
5. Select the "Yes" radial button next to the "In Maintenance".
6. Select the "Set as Default" check box so that the box is selected
7. Click the "Apply" button.
8. Click Ok on the results window and in the Main Attribute Editor window to close it.
9. Any newly created model of that type will no longer be in maintenance mode when first created
10. You will need to do this to any/all modeltypes that have this problem (you can multi-select different modeltypes and change it at the same time).