When getting a new ESD PAX file for installation for CA Verify for CICS release 9.0 there are multiple ESD PAX installation files to choose from. Which ESD PAX file do I need to install CA Verify for CICS R 9.0?
Release: 9.0
Component: VERIFY
The CA Verify for CICS release 9.0 ESD PAX installation file is labelled with:
"CA Verify for CICS v9 Product Package" "DVD01124635E.PAX.Z"
This is the only ESD PAX file you need in order to install CA Verify for CICS release 9.0.
The other ESD PAX files listed along with CA Verify for CICS are optional. For example:
2) CA CSM - Product Package - v6.0 - ESD only DVD10155349E.pax.Z
These ESD images are optional and available for download for most of the CA Mainframe products.