Jmeter (Script) Monitors fail with an error "Remote host closed connection during handshake."
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Jmeter (Script) Monitors fail with an error "Remote host closed connection during handshake."


Article ID: 4295


Updated On: 04-19-2018


CA App Synthetic Monitor


  Script (Jmeter) Monitors fail with the error "Remote host closed connection during handshake.".

  Checking the monitor details shows an error such as "Non HTTP response code:" or "Non HTTP response message: Remote host closed connection during handshake". 

Other monitors work fine, and no users are reporting problems with accessing the monitored page.


  ASM monitor using Jmeter scripts


  This can be caused by a problem with a Jmeter client on the monitoring station negotiating the security protocol to use. 


To resolve this issue, adjust the settings of the monitor.

1) Open the monitor settings

2) Click More Options

3) Towards the top is the section Options->    Encryption

4) Change the Encryption setting from Negotiate to TLS 1.2 (or another protocol supported by the site)

5) Save the monitor


This will generally resolve protocol negotiation issues