Installing Third-Party JDBC Client Libraries on the Gateway
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Installing Third-Party JDBC Client Libraries on the Gateway


Article ID: 42847


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The Gateway allows an administrator to enable additional third-party client libraries to facilitate connecting to remote database servers for currently unsupported JDBC drivers. Examples include TeraData, PostgreSQL, and SyBase. This capability was introduced inversion 7.0.0 of the Gateway and support for this capability begins with that version


Component: APIGTW


There are three steps to enabling third-party drivers and client libraries for an outbound JDBC connection: Installing the client libraries, white listing the client libraries, and then enabling the libraries in the Policy Manager. These steps are outlined below.

Installing the client libraries

1. Copy the necessary client libraries to the Gateway via SCP or SFTP as the ssgconfig user.
2. Log into the Gateway appliance as the root user.
3. Change the permissions of the client libraries (`chmod 444 /home/ssgconfig/*.jar`)
4. Change the ownership of the client libraries (`chown layer7.layer7 /home/ssgconfig/*.jar`)
5. Move the client libraries from /home/ssgconfig to /opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/runtime/lib/ext

White listing the client libraries

1. Open /opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/node/default/etc/conf/ in a text editor
2. Add the following line: com.l7tech.server.jdbcDriver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver\ncom.l7tech.jdbc.mysql.MySQLDriver\ncom.l7tech.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver\\ncom.l7tech.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver?
3. Append \n<class for JDBC driver> to the line added previously (where <class for JDBC driver> is substituted with the class name string).
4. Save the file and exit.

Enable the client libraries

1. Log into the Policy Manager as an administrative user.
2. Open the Manage Cluster-Wide Properties
3. Edit "jdbcConnection.driverClass.defaultList"
4. Add the necessary JDBC driver class string as a new line
5. Save the property and exit all dialogs