CA Pan/SQL is required for the CIA component of ACF2. Is it a separate product, or part of something else? How can a site acquire it?
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CA Pan/SQL is required for the CIA component of ACF2. Is it a separate product, or part of something else? How can a site acquire it?


Article ID: 42626


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CA Pan/SQL is required for the CIA component of ACF2. Is it a separate product, or part of something else? How can a site acquire it?


The CIA compliance reports distributed as part of the CIA ACF2 function are written in CA Easytrieve, a

fourth-generation programming language product. CA Pan/SQL is required only for the CIA compliance reports.


The CA Common Services CA Easytrieve component calls CA Pan/SQL when the reports are run.

CA Easytrieve Report Generator processes SQL statements using the CA Pan/SQL interface 

on the mainframe and internal interfaces in non-mainframe environments.


CA Pan/SQL is a separate no charge product available for download from CA SupportOnline 

as one of the Product Components associated with CA ACF2 MVS r15 download page:                    


PAN/SQL FOR DB2 PRODUCT TAPE    2.4 /0203       05/02/2002      1.71MB  240203ESH02.ESD            


Additional Information: 

Instructions for installing the PAN/SQL ESD file can also be found on the CA SupportOnline Product Download for

CA ACF2  MVS download page under the link 'Traditional Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) Guide

( ) . The CA Pan/SQL 2.4C: Getting Started

Guide is available form CA Technical Support. 


Component: ACF2MS

