How do we move Production CA Librarian Master files from one set of DASD volumes to a new set of DASD volumes?
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How do we move Production CA Librarian Master files from one set of DASD volumes to a new set of DASD volumes?


Article ID: 42607


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How do we move Production CA Librarian Master files from one set of DASD volumes to a new set of DASD volumes?







If not increasing the size of the CA Librarian Master file, you can use DFSMSdss COPY command to copy the Master files from one set of DASD volumes to a new set of DASD volumes of either like or unlike device types.

•  Like devices have the same track capacity (3390 Model 2 and 3390 Model 3)
•  Unlike devices have different track capacities (3380 Model K and 3390 Model 3)
Sample JCL:
//STEP1    EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU                                       
//DD1      DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=newvol                   
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                            
//SYSIN    DD *                                                   
  COPY                                        -           
           DATASET(INCLUDE( hlq.mlq.libr.master.file  ) ) -   
                               ALLDATA(*)     -                       
                               ALLEXCP        -                          
                               DELETE         -                           
                               OUTDDNAME(DD1) -   


If a BDAM Master file needs to be expanded, please refer to KB article   38976

If a Wide Record Master file needs to be expanded, use an external PDS utility, such as IBM IEBCOPY.