Which VSI OpenVMS releases are the OpenVMS system management products certified to run on?
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Which VSI OpenVMS releases are the OpenVMS system management products certified to run on?


Article ID: 42602


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System Watchdog for OpenVMS Performance Management for OpenVMS Console Management for OpenVMS Job Management for OpenVMS


Certification information for  OpenVMS Management products running under OpenVMS IA64 operating system releases published by VMS Software Inc. (VSI).

Which VSI OpenVMS IA64 releases are the OpenVMS system management products certified to run on?



All OpenVMS IA64 and OpenVMS Alpha releases published by VSI.


Broadcom is pleased to announce that the following products are certified for use with:

                 VSI OpenVMS IA64 8.4-1H1, 8.4-2, 8.4-2L1,  8.4-2L2, and 8.4-2L3

                 VSI OpenVMS Alpha 8.4-2L1 and 8.4-2L2

Broadcom Console Management for OpenVMS r3.1

      Required product patches:

          RO79497 or its successor.

Job Management for OpenVMS r3.1

Required product patches:

    Job Management Manager: RO90905 or its successor.

    Job Management Agent: None.

Performance Management for OpenVMS r3.1 SP01

     Required product patches: None.

System Watchdog for OpenVMS r2.5
     Required product patches:

        Watchdog Manager - RO17076, RO81829, or their successors.

        Watchdog Agent - RO52143 or its successor.

System Watchdog for OpenVMS r2.4 SP04

    Required product patches:  None

Additional Information:

The following OpenVMS IA64 patches or layered products are required for all of the above products when running under VSI OpenVMS IA64 8.4-1H1:

DecWindows Motif V1.7-E - prevents errors from the XMScale toolkit function when running any of the products' DECWindows Motif based graphical user interfaces. The installation kit may be found in the root directory of the VSI OpenVMS IA64 8.4-1H1 operating system kit disc or ISO image.