Configuring the CCISSL settings with ConfigTool for OM Web Viewer 12.1
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Configuring the CCISSL settings with ConfigTool for OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 42598


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Output Management Web Viewer COMMON SERVICES FOR Z/OS


How to Configure SSL for CCI in the ConfigTool for Output Management Web Viewer 12.1?


  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • Common Services for z/OS


Run the ConfigTool and follow the prompts

Hit Enter to proceed after each value

Select Configuration Type
1: System Level External Configuration
2: Application Level External Configuration
3: Internal Configuration
[Configuration Type]
The current value: 1
Enter a new value: 1

Select Configuration Action
Please enter on the following configuration options:
1: CCI Settings
2: DRAS Settings
3: Authentication Settings
4: ADMINID Settings
5: DataBase Settings
6: All Web Viewer Settings
[Configuration Action]
Default selection: 6
Select an action: 1

CCI (Common Communications Interface) Server Information
[CCI (Common Communications Interface) Server]
The current value: <LPAR name or IP>
Enter a new value:
[CCI (Common Communications Interface) Port]
The current value: 1202
Enter a new value: 1203
[CCI (Common Communications Interface) Client System ID ]
The current value: webview1    <<------------------------------------------------must be unique in the first 8 characters
Enter a new value:
[CCISSL: SSL connection]
1:  No SSL encryption (CCI connection not secured)
2:  Defer decision to use SSL to host
3:  Force SSL connection with host
The current value: 1
Enter a new value: 2

[CCISSL: Encryption Protocol]
1: TLSv1
2: SSLv3
3: TLSv1.1
4: TLSv1.2 (Recommended)
5: TLS (TLSv1 or TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2)
6: Any Supportable protocol in Server
The current value: 6
Enter a new value: 4
[CCISSL: Encryption Keystore]
1:  Use New Keystore
2:  No change (Use Current Keystore)
The current value: 2
Enter a new value: 2

[Certificate Alias name (if not specified, the system will use the first certificate in the Keystore)]
The current value:
Enter a new value:

Connection Test for CCI Server Information
1: Test connection
2: Save settings changes
3: Re-edit settings
[Select an option]
Default selection: 1
Select an action:


If you are specifying a new keystore, 

[CCISSL: Encryption Keystore]
1:  Use New Keystore
2:  No change (Use Current Keystore)
The current value: 2
Enter a new value: 1
[CCISSL: Keystore file Path]
Enter the fully qualified relative search path for the Java Keystore file

Additional Information