Jaspersoft install error: One of java.exe, javaw.exe.rt.jar is missing in JAVA_HOME directory
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Jaspersoft install error: One of java.exe, javaw.exe.rt.jar is missing in JAVA_HOME directory


Article ID: 42577


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


When trying to install JasperSoft for Spectrum, I get the following: One of java.exe, javaw.exe.rt.jar is missing in JAVA_HOME directory Not able to proceed. Exiting.g. 


Release: Any Spectrum version integrated with Jasper installed on Windows
Component: SPCJSP


The Java Home path is not set properly in Windows Environment Variables, or possibly Windows has not refreshed the Path variable for the user logged into the system.


As per Jaspersoft Installation Instruction, set the JAVA Home path in Environment Variables:

1.    Right-click My Computer and choose Properties

2.    Click Advanced System Settings

3.    Click Environment Variables

4.    In System Variables, click “New”

5.    For Variable name enter: JAVA_HOME

6.    For Variable value enter: <path to Java JDK install>

a.    i.e. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk.8.0_73

7.    Click OK

8.    Find the path Variable under System Variables and click “Edit”

9.    In the Variable value field, scroll to the end and add: ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin

10. Click OK, OK, OK to exit System Properties

If this does not resolve the error, then completely log out of Windows and log back in:

1.     Close any CMD or Bash windows that may be open

2.     Log out of the server

3.     Log back in

4.     Run CMD or Bash as Administrator

5.     Navigate to the Jaspersoft install directory and run the Install.bat again