SMFQ task in CTS is producing a lot of TMSSMF04W fileseq >1 and no DSNB messages.
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SMFQ task in CTS is producing a lot of TMSSMF04W fileseq >1 and no DSNB messages.


Article ID: 42526


Updated On: 07-08-2024


CA 1 Flexible Storage



TMSSMF04W FILESEQ > 1 AND NO DSNBS messages are being produced after the implementation of SMFQ task in CTS.  




A TMSCLEAN ran followed by a TMSUNCAT to uncatalog the files that were scratched.  When the CTS internal task of SMFQ processes the SMF records cut during the uncataloging of the files by TMSUNCAT, is now producing the message because the DSNBs associated with the volume were freed as the tape was scratched.




Either ignore the message or use an MPF rule or auto ops package to remove the message from the console.