Running a package job using a scheduler to submit and getting the error ENBP062E Package ID 'EPPOIN2132805' is not available for the EXECUTE.
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Running a package job using a scheduler to submit and getting the error ENBP062E Package ID 'EPPOIN2132805' is not available for the EXECUTE.


Article ID: 42523


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench



When I run a package that has a package window set up as:

     EXECUTION WINDOW FROM: 14MAY16 10:00   TO: 19MAY16 12:45

The job abends with the following 

     12:45:13 ENBP062E Package ID 'PACKAGE2132805' is not available for the EXECUTE




When you create a package window you can only create a window time with HH:MM.  Endevor is using HH:MM:SS to determine what the start time and to time are.  The package can only execute in the above example between the times of 10:00:00 and 12:45:00.  
When the package is set to run (from a job scheduler or submitted) and the actual time is 12:45:00,
the package is not available to be executed. Endevor uses the SS to make sure that the execution is between the
from and to date / time.  
A workaround would be to add 5 minutes to the end time of the package (12:50:00) window so the package will not be outside the execution window.  
If sweep jobs are run every quarter hour the package would still be in the window and will then run.