What is the maximum period time allowed to create a maintenance schedule in Spectrum OneClick?
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What is the maximum period time allowed to create a maintenance schedule in Spectrum OneClick?


Article ID: 42515


Updated On: 11-01-2023


CA Spectrum


What is the maximum period time allowed to create a maintenance schedule in Spectrum OneClick?


Release: Any version of Spectrum


The underlying attribute for the schedule duration is SCHED_Duration (id 0x12993). This is an attribute of INTEGER type, so the maximum value that can be stored is 2147483647. This value is "measured" in seconds, what means that the maximum value (in hours) supported by a schedule is 596523 hours.

Due to a limitation in the “Create Schedule – CA Spectrum OneClick” GUI, the maximum value allowed is 596 hours, what means that the SCHED_Duration attribute will be populated with a value of 2145600:



If you need to configure a period higher than than 596 hours, you must manually set a value higher than 2145600 in SCHED_Duration parameter. 

You must convert the desired period from hours to seconds, and take note of the value.

In the example below, the schedule is configured to 1000 hours. The SCHED_Duration value was manually set to 3600000: