How to upload Quovadata using arrfupload tool
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How to upload Quovadata using arrfupload tool


Article ID: 42508


Updated On:


CA Advanced Authentication CA Risk Authentication CA Advanced Authentication - Risk Authentication (RiskMinder / RiskFort)


How can I upload Quova Data using arrfupload tool command line utility? The instructions provided below are for the old Quova data  in V6 format which we used to get from the Neustar team, now they are shipping v7 format data and that information can be found in documentation of how to do the upload.


CA Risk Authentication(RiskMinder or Riskfort)

Version - 9.x


Uploading Quovadata is two step process:

[Step-1]Upload the data to Risk Authentication database tables using arrfupload tool [Step-2]Refresh cache.

[Step-1] Upload the data to Risk Authentication database tables using arrfupload tool

The Arcot RiskMinder Data Upload Tool(arrfupload) is a command-line utility that enables you to upload the Geolocation and Anonymizer Data from Quova files to the RiskMinder database.

This tools is available in below location:

For Windows: %ARCOT_HOME%\bin\arrfupload

For Linux: $ARCOT_HOME/sbin/arrfupload

The tool is run from command line. For Windows, run it as "arrfupload" and for Linux, run it as "./arrfupload". The parameters can be passed either through configuration file or as arguments in command line utility. Below are the different options to upload the data.

Option 1: Upload using configuration file

The riskfortdataupload.ini file controls the behavior of the CA Risk Authentication Data Upload tool. It is available in <ARCOT_HOME>/conf/ folder. Before running the tool you need to configure below parameters in this file

Tables - The tables that the user can work with. Possible values are: GeoPoint and Anonymizer.

Load - The indicator whether to upload the data to the table or not. Possible values are: 0 (Do not load) and 1 (Load).  Default value is Do Not Load

Swap - The indicator whether to switch CA Risk Authentication configuration to start using the table where GeoPoint or GeoAnonymizer data has only been uploaded. Possible values are: 0 (Do not swap) and 1 (Swap)

Filename - The name of the file from which the Quova data has to be loaded. Mention the absolute path to the file, with the file name.

Then run this tool from command line as below.


arrfupload -config

Option 2: Command to upload Quova data

Below command can be used for uploading Quova data using script. This will not ask for any input(not interactive mode). Logs will be written in %ARCOT_HOME%\logs folder.

[1] Single table upload

arrfupload -prompt <<Table name> <Load> <Swap> <Absolute path of the file>>


=> Upload only GeoPoint data

arrfupload -prompt GeoPoint 1 1 C:\quova\Corrected_EDITION_Media_2014-05-08_with_v682.dat

=> Upload only Anonymizer data

arrfupload -prompt Anonymizer 1 1 C:\quova\anonymizers_2014-05-06.dat

[2] Upload both GeoPoint  and Anonymizer data


arrfupload -prompt <<Table name> <Load> <Swap> <Absolute path of the file>>  <<Table name> <Load> <Swap> <Absolute path of the file>>


arrfupload -prompt GeoPoint 1 1 C:\quova\Corrected_EDITION_Media_2014-05-08_with_v682.dat Anonymizer 1 1 C:\quova\anonymizers_2014-05-06.dat

[Step-2] Refresh cache

The CA Risk Authentication Server cache must be refreshed after uploading the data. Command to refresh cache is:


arrfclient cr <ipaddress of riskfort server> <port>


arrfclient cr localhost 7980

arrfclient cr 7980

arrfclient cr x.x.x.x 7980

Additional Information:

[A] Uploading Quova data and cache refresh using batch script
Add these commands in a batch script(Windows) or cronjob(Linux).

arrfupload -prompt <<Table name> <Load> <Swap> <Absolute path of the file>> <<Table name> <Load> <Swap> <Absolute path of the file>>
arrfclient cr <ipaddress of riskfort server> <port>

[B] Complete product guide is available at - arrfupload