I am getting S013-F4 abends for extended format temporary data sets in a CA Endevor SCM processor.
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I am getting S013-F4 abends for extended format temporary data sets in a CA Endevor SCM processor.


Article ID: 42499


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Using extended format temporary data sets in a processor can produce error IEC141I 013-F4.
Does CA Endevor SCM support extended format temporary data sets in a processor?


There are three basic cases which determine how CA Endevor SCM allocates sequential files in a processor:

1) Cataloged data sets. 
2) Temporary data sets (in other words- DSN is omitted or DSN=&&TEMP) which CA Endevor SCM allocates as pseudo-temporary data sets using MODHLI (hence the data set is cataloged).
3) Temporary data sets which CA Endevor SCM allocates as real temporary data sets (with system name in the form of SYSyyddd.Thhmmss.RA000.**) .

CA Endevor SCM supports extended format sequential data sets in processors only for case 1) and 2). CA Endevor SCM does not support extended format sequential data sets in processors for case 3). Opening such data sets will lead to S013-F4 abends. In other words, CA Endevor SCM processors support extended format sequential data sets only if they are cataloged.

There are three possible workarounds:

1) Make sure the affected data set is not allocated as extended format.
2) Turn on MODHLI in the C1DEFLTS. Then use DISP=(MOD,*) in the processor when creating the data set - instead of using DISP=(NEW,*) or DISP=(,*).
3) Turn on MODHLI in the C1DEFLTS. Then turn on RACF_TEMPDSN_OPTION=ON in the ENCOPTBL table. This method is preferred as it does not require modifying all affected processors.



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