How to get a list of neighbor model handles of a model using the Spectrum Command Line Interface (CLI)
Release: Any version of Spectrum
The CLI 0x1001f update action can be used to get a list of neighbor model handles of a model.
./update action=0x1001f mh=<device's model handle>
This command will show the model handle of the neighbor model for the model specified in the update command.
Here are the steps:
1. Login to SpectroSERVER system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
2. If on Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"
3. cd to the $SPECROOT/vnmsh directory and enter the following command to start a CLI session:
4. Enter the following command where <MH> is the model handle of the device model:
./update action=0x1001f mh=<MH>
The following is an example of the output seen from this command:
./update action=0x1001f mh=0x46e147
update action: successful
Response has 35 attributes:
0) Attribute 0x0 text: **** Primary_neighbors:
1) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x4015ca
2) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x401607
3) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x402298
4) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x4442c4
5) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x444313
6) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x444481
7) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x4448ad
8) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x4582b7
9) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x4582de
10) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x4b2b91
11) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x4fd38b
12) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x4fd351
13) Attribute 0x0 model: 0x4b8786
The fourth column of data is the model handle of a neighbor device model for the model specified in the update command.