User Programs in Processor that must execute Authorized may receive S047 abends due to not being part of the C1GTAPGM table.
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User Programs in Processor that must execute Authorized may receive S047 abends due to not being part of the C1GTAPGM table.


Article ID: 42473


Updated On:


Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench



CA Endevor requires the names of non-Endevor programs that are linked with AC(1) and need to run APF authorized within a Processor, to be added to the Authorized Program Table - C1GTAPGM.

If these programs are not added to the table one of the following abends will occur RC(47), RC(047), S047, and U4005.



All supported versions of CA Endevor 



The C1GTAPGM  table contains all known user and vendor Processor programs that must execute Authorized during Processor execution.

If you have non-CA Endevor SCM programs that are invoked within a Processor and they need to run APF-authorized, then add these programs to the C1GTAPGM table located in the iprfx.iqual.CSIQSRC library.

The C1GTAPGM table requires that each program added be eight (8) characters long and should be modeled exactly the same as all the other entries in the table. Any programs in this table that are not valid programs for a site may be removed.

The JCL member BC1JTABL in the iprfx.iqual.CSIQJCL library can be used to assemble and link the C1GTAPGM table after it has been modified. 


Additional Information:

Go to the CA Documentation site --- 

•  Logon using your email address and CA Support Online password

•  In the Select Product drop down box, search for Endevor and select the appropriate version

•  In the Table of Contents on the right, go to :

+ Installing

+ Customization Tables

>> Authorized Program Table



Component: ENDBAS