ESP job remains in status Submit delayed, Class held, and Pnode SUBDELAY after COLD start
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ESP job remains in status Submit delayed, Class held, and Pnode SUBDELAY after COLD start


Article ID: 4246


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ESP Workload Automation


After a COLD start of ESP, many jobs remain in status Submit delayed, Class held, and Pnode SUBDELAY.   


Before the COLD started; the EVENT's CLASS was placed on HOLD via the command "CLASS class-name HOLD".

CLASS queues and their associated EVENTs are kept in the ESP Checkpoint file (CKPT), and the COLD start re-formats the CKPT file.  All previous CLASS settings are deleted.  CLASS manipulation (e.g. CLASS class name RELEASE) can no longer be done because there are no existing CLASS queues in the CKPT file.



Resubmit Jobs that are in "Submit delayed, Class held" status.

- CLASS command found at:     CLASS Command
- COLD start process found at:  COLD START ESP