How to configure Spectrum Web Service alarm subscriptions to trigger an alarm update on a Second occurrence of an alarm.
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How to configure Spectrum Web Service alarm subscriptions to trigger an alarm update on a Second occurrence of an alarm.


Article ID: 42242


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to configure Spectrum Web Service alarm subscriptions to trigger an alarm update on a Second occurrence of an alarm.

When using Web Services subscriptions, SPECTRUM will not send an alarm update on a second occurrence of an alarm by default.


Release: Any version of Spectrum


A Spectrum Web Service subscription uses the POST HTTP method and is created with the following URL and XML Body:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../../Rest.a/src/xsd/Request.xsd ">
  <!-- The client will poll for notifications, return up to 200
       models per poll and the client will poll approximately once
       every 30 seconds.  After 3 missed polls the server will
       assume the poller is no longer running and stop collecting
       data for this subscription
    <rs:requested-attribute id="0x1006e" /> <!-- Model Name -->
    <rs:requested-attribute id="0x11f53" /> <!-- Model Handle -->
    <rs:requested-attribute id="0x11f56" /> <!-- Alarm Severity -->
    <rs:requested-attribute id="0x11f4e" /> <!-- Alarm Creation Date -->
    <rs:requested-attribute id="0x12b4c" /> <!-- Alarm Title -->
    <rs:requested-attribute id="0x11fc5" />  <!-- Alarm Occurrences -->
    <rs:requested-attribute id="0x1296e" /> <!-- Originating Event text -->


To configure the XML body to send alarm updates, the "notify-of-changes" attribute needs to be added to the requested-attribute element for the Alarm Occurrences attribute (0x11f5c). The updated requested-attribute element should look like the following entry:


<rs:requested-attribute id="0x11fc5" notify-of-changes="true" />  <!-- Alarm Occurrences -->


After making the above change, the push subscription will send alarm updates to the stdout.log file when the alarm occurrences attribute is updated.

Additional Information

Please find the information below on alarm subscription parameters. 

<added-instance preexisting="true">  .... These are existing alarms list which are fetched as per subscription request payload.

<added-instance preexisting="false"> ... These are new alarms list which are raised after subscription started.

<removed-instance deleted="true">  ...  This means Alarm is cleared in Spectrum.

<removed-instance deleted="false"> ... This means Alarm is NOT cleared in Spectrum but filtered as per subscription request payload.

For modified/updated alarms list will get as part of tag <modified-instance> in the subscription response.