A company with multiple Automation Point Servers and administrators created multiple shared PPQs with the same name within one PPQ network. This design led to problems with their PPQs and automation. Why does Automation Point allow shared PPQ's to be defined with the same name on the same PPQ network?
Automation Point does not enforce any rules about how you design your PPQs in a peer-to-peer shared network; so, it's possible to create multiple shared PPQs with the same name if a process has not read from, written to, or LISTed the new PPQ remotely, from another system in your PPQ network. The other machines are simply not aware of the new PPQ yet. However, once multiple PPQs with the same name exist in the PPQ network, then the product will get confused when an ADDRESS PPQ command is executed against this PPQ name.
To avoid potential problems that stem from confusion about multiple shared PPQs with the same name, we advise you to identify which Server will host the PPQ, based upon the recommendations in our Design Guidelines section in the product documentation. Once this decision has been made, you should only try to create new shared PPQs on the designated server, then Automation Point will not allow you to create multiple shared PPQs on the same server.