How do you hide the 'Skip Navigation Link' on the CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) employee interface?
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How do you hide the 'Skip Navigation Link' on the CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) employee interface?


Article ID: 42212


Updated On:


CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager ServiceDesk


How do you hide the 'Skip Navigation Link' on the CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) employee interface?



Service Desk Manager v14.x and up


1. Open Web Screen Painter (WSP) and open the default NX_ROOT\bopcfg\www\htmpl\default\WELCOME_BANNER.HTMPL form

2.  Locate the following code (lines 210-220 in the out of box version)

if(ahdtop.cstUsingScreenReader || ahdtop.cfgInterfaceType == "1" || ahdtop.cfgInterfaceType == "2")
var skipNavLabel = "Skip Navigation";
var hotkeyPosn = -1;
var skipNavLabelLoc = "Skip Navigation"
if (!nonLatinFlag)
skipNavLabelLoc = skipNavLabel;
document.writeln("<a href=\"javascript:skipFocus()\" tabindex=1 class='welcomebannerlink'><span>" + skipNavLabelLoc + "</span></a>");

3. Place '//' in front of each line to comment them out. For example

//if(ahdtop.cstUsingScreenReader || ahdtop.cfgInterfaceType == "1" || ahdtop.cfgInterfaceType == "2")
//var skipNavLabel = "Skip Navigation";
//var hotkeyPosn = -1;
//var skipNavLabelLoc = "Skip Navigation"
//if (!nonLatinFlag)
// {
// skipNavLabelLoc = skipNavLabel;
//document.writeln("<a href=\"javascript:skipFocus()\" tabindex=1 class='welcomebannerlink'><span>" + skipNavLabelLoc + "</span></a>");

4. Save and publish changes

5. Run the following commands from a command prompt

pdm_webcache -H
pdm_webcache -b

6. Clear web browser cache and access CA SDM web interface with an employee account and the 'Skip Navigation' link should no longer appear.